[Creating 3DCG from AI-generated images] Modeling clothes designed by AI with CLO x Blender
For the first time, we conducted R&D to determine whether it's possible to create 3DCG from AI-generated images and to identify the challenges involved. Initially, we had no idea what techniques would be best for faithfully reproducing AI-generated images, but after many trials and errors, we managed to create something that we'd like to share with everyone.
I, Muto, who is writing this blog, primarily handled this R&D. I've been working as a pattern maker for several years, started using CG software about three years ago, and recently improved my understanding of Blender.
Production Workflow
Here, we introduce the software and workflow used in this production.
CAD: Pattern drafting, pattern making
Having a background in pattern making, I used CAD to create the patterns for this project. I also used CAD to draw the sketches. Once there's no need for significant changes, we also adjust the patterns within CLO.
CLO: Avatar modification and clothing modeling based on patterns
Initially, we planned to import an avatar created with external software, but we ended up using the CLO model as-is and used a modified avatar with adjusted sizing. We assemble the patterns created in CAD, make adjustments to the material properties and patterns while dressing the avatar.
By the way, for the detail on the left front of the coat, we utilized the fabric influence from CLO's stitching. By hiding the stitched parts, we think we achieved a representation close to the AI-generated image.
At OpenFashion, we are working with community members to use AI to create the fashion of the future.OpenFashion is just getting started. We plan to start with email newsletters, limited blog access, etc., and then develop into online community spaces and more.